You and I are brother and sister forever...

...Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up. As soon as I finish laughing. πŸ˜‚

Bienvenidos! Sup, guys.

I'm feeling extra cool today. So cool. cooooool. with like 1000 o's.


Because I'm channeling some really cool energy. my baby brother's. It is #BrothersandSistersDay, after all. There is just something about him that is so effortlessly cool. coooooooooooool (x1000 - you catch my drift.)

Let me tell you a little something about my brother....

He's a quiet presence, but a lively soul. He yearns for creative expression in everything he does. He has a palate like no other and an amazing sense of humor. I admire his ability to tune out the "noise" of the world, sometimes. I admire his strong sense of self that isn't interrupted by anyone's perception or opinion of him.

ugh. he's so cool. 

I remember when my mom told me he was "a thing" that was happening. I was crazy confused. Eight year old me was super inquisitive and knew "how babies were made" at that age - or I thought I knew. 

My mom told me babies were made TWO ways: intercourse (I don't think she said the word 'intercourse' to me but basically she told me it was sex) and "the way Jesus was made". What I didn't know was babies could be "made" AT ANY TIME OF DAY (stay with me, here). I thought babies could only be "made" at NIGHT in the dark. Here's the thing: I slept in my mom's room on my own little mattress (separation anxiety - hello there). I was convinced I would hear "le making" of said creature.

Using this logic fueled by childlike wonder and reckless abadon, there was only one option: my brother was the second coming of our lord and savior Jesu Cristo 😳

It's kind of embarrassing to admit that I believed that for longer than I should have. smh.

Both my brother and I were born on St. Croix at Gov. Juan F. Luis Hospital Medical Center. We have different dads, but that's what makes my family so special. We are mixed and unique and interesting and vibrant and weird from different walks of life and with different ideologies. We are a reflection of our home and history. That's what makes families like ours and the people of St. Croix so special.

Couldn't be prouder. 

Thank you to my brother for always carving out a moment in the garage with me when I visit 😏(he knows what I mean).

Thank you for the times you've been there to support me and my household (helping me move cross country and all...that time...that I did).

Thank you for letting me drag you around every major city I've ever lived in.


Today, I celebrate you. 

Brothers and sisters fight. this is inevitable. don't let too much time pass, especially during such uncertain times. Mend your ties. Open your heart and mind to your differences. Let go of your pride. Love and Live.

Go tell your sibling(s) you love them. Go!

Til next time...

Solange xx


  1. What a fantastic feel good post! Will certainly share with thy sibilling.Thank you <3

  2. This makes me so happy 😊 thank you Solange.


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